Crazy good lighting. And just an amazing piece overall.
Crazy good lighting. And just an amazing piece overall.
8 hours? I couldn't pull this off in 8 DAYS!
amazment, I would like this as my bg lol
thx :) Well it hast desktop size. almost HD.
So I have no idea what any of this means lol. So I'm only going to speak artistically. I see a massive amount of detail and thought in this. Really good. How long did this take?
Thanks. I think it took approx. a week or so.
pretty cool
This is modeled in Max2010 right? I'm just starting to learn the program myself lol
anyway, looks pretty cool. I'd say it's just a little low on hard edges right now, like it has a really soft feeling to it atm.
Killer design
pft. That is one AWESOME design, really nice shapes. Makes it look like it's really old, like just awakening because of the grass and the earthy color
Thanks, I should've put a birds nest on his head.
Been drawing so long that my hands fell off. Now I use robotic ones.
Joined on 5/27/10